RV Parking Lots
The State Rangers RV parking lot 74 is a Posse lot containing 94 parking spaces with full electric hookups. It is located at the corner of Hall of Fame Avenue and Walnut Street. Posse handles the parking space renewals and reservations. If you have been accepted in the lot and have paid all billings related to RV parking, you should be receiving your parking passes from Posse sometime in August.
Lot 74 Waiting List
To be placed on the waiting list, you must complete the OSU RV Parking Lot 74 Waiting List Application Online Form and submit it before July 1st. We are no longer using the mail-in form. The waiting list is kept on a first come, first serve basis. You will be placed at the bottom of the list based upon the entry ID. You do not need to resubmit each year, and you do not need to qualify for Posse parking to be on the list. However, if in the future you are offered a space, you will be required to meet all parking qualifications prior to being granted a parking space. Those on the list will move up if the people above you drop off the list or receive a space in lot 74. If you are offered a parking space and refuse or do not reply to 3 emails that are sent to you in the month of July offering you a space, you will be removed from the waiting list. If you request to remain on the waiting list, you will be added back to the bottom of the list. The waiting list, as of July 1st, will be used to fill any spaces in lot 74 that are not renewed from the previous year.
If you desire to be on the waiting list, you must use the online registration form with the link located on this page, fill it out, and submit it. There is no cost to be on the waiting list and you do not need to be a member of State Rangers. When you are offered a space in lot 74, you will need to qualify for Posse parking that includes the donation level of $2,500 including a $625 donation for the State Ranger Lot, have football season tickets, and own a qualifying RV. Of the $625 donation, $500 goes to an endowment for a football scholarship in the name of the State Rangers, and $125 goes toward electric and maintenance for your RV space.
Donation Level to qualify for Lot 74 and Lot 81
Example Only:
$1,360 Football Donor Seating
$500 Scholarship (RV Spot)
$125 Maintenance (RV Spot)
$515 Additional donation needed to qualify for POSSE Priority Parking minimum
$2500 Total Minimum Donations
Note: Your football ticket price is excluded from your annual donation amount and does not count toward POSSE Parking.
Alternate Posse RV Parking Lot 81
Lot 81 is a reserved RV lot located just north of the new IT building. Entrance to the lot is at the southwest corner of McDonald Street and Scott Avenue. It has 34 RV parking spaces with full electric hookups. This is a Posse lot requiring a Posse RV parking pass for the season and must be reserved ahead of time. The lot will open at 5:30 pm on the day prior to every home game.
Non-Posse RV Parking
Non-Posse RV parking is available on a first-come, first-served basis in lots 84 and 112. There are no fees for use of these two RV lots. Both of these lots are located east of Willis, north of McElroy. All RV parking lots open at 5:30 pm the evening prior to a home football game and must be vacated the day following the game. All correspondence concerning the RV parking lot, with the exception of the waiting list, should be directed to Posse.
Lot 74 Map
RV Lot 74 Parking Space Numbers
Click here to download the map.
Click here to download the OSU campus parking map.